林   上

Progress of Regional Informatization in the Tokai Region
Noboru Hayashi

The form or style of socio-economic activities in a region change with the progress of informatization. In this thesis, the author considers how informatization in the Tokai region, central Japan, has been proceeding in the last decay. As information industries will play a key role in the near future, it is important to think about the trend of informatization in this region where manufacturing industries have held a crucial point but information industries have less accumulated up to the present.
As to the volume of sending and reception of information, Tokai region accouts for about 11% of the whole country and there is no great change in this rate for the last ten years. According to the index of informatization which Asahi Shimbun Publishing Co. presumed, Aichi Prefecture is the same as the national average, and three other prefectures are confined 60-70% of the average. As for this ratio, Tokyo has a very high weight (about 240%), and the regional differentiation can't be ignored.
Most of information industries concentrates in Aichi prefecture, but it is clear that the degree of influence that information industries have effect on other industries is small when information industries of Aichi are compared with those of Osaka and Kanagawa.  Information industries of Aichi don't have strong centrality like those of Osaka and they are relatively self-completed. Information service industries in Nagoya, the capital city of Aichi prefecture, doesn't match Tokyo and Osaka in the point of their accumulation quantity. But, the quality of component of these industries is recognized to have been improved recently.
The per capita telephone number in Tokai region is lower than the national average though the stretch of the registration telephone number in this region exceeds the average stretch of the whole country. There is a company which carries on local telecommunication business, and five companies are undertaking car and portable telephone enterprise in this region. As for the radio call business service, each prefecture is covered by two telecommunication companies. The number of the contracts of the television broadcast occupies 12% of the whole country. But, per capita number of the contracts of the television broadcast is lower than the national average. There are about two hundreds facilities of the main cable television, and this is equivalent 15% of the whole country. The number of the viewers of the city pattern cable television is two hundreds and sixty thousands in all, which is equivalent 17% of the whole country. A city pattern cable television leads in Aichi and Mie.
There are plans and projects that regional informatization is promoted and several enterprises are progressing in some cities of Tokai region. These enterprises are mainly promoted by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Twenty seven cities receives the designation in Teletopia plan that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications promotes. High vision community plan that the Ministry of International Trade and Industry takes initiative is progressing in seven cites. If it becomes the information-oriented society of the multimedia type, the resources of the region and their environment become important on the side of the development of software. Tokai region is blessed with the environment condition, and it is hoped to make the information-oriented society which made the most of regional characteristics of this region. The industrial structure, which has been leaned to the manufacturing industry for the present, will change toward the suitable industrial structure for the information-oriented society.

地域情報化(regional informatization)  東海地方(Tokai region) 情報産業(information industry)
情報化社会(information-oriented society)  地域情報化施策(policy of regional informatization)

1. はじめに

